Our Tutoring Process

  • Training Tutors

    The greatest and most direct connection we have with students is our tutors. That means it's essential to provide a strong foundation for tutoring through training. EPA Tutors' curriculum was devised by the officers and Ms. Huang. Using Pam Harris' accredited "Development of Mathematical Reasoning" workshop, tutors are tasked with watching all four modules, pertaining to concepts like counting strategies and functional reasoning. These teaching strategies help our students learn and dissect future problems rather than simply memorize and not retain current concepts.

  • Tutor Meetings

    A major principle EPA Tutors prioritizes is improvement. We're not perfect and that's ok, because we're always getting better. Part of getting better means holding weekly meetings with our team of tutors. We have each tutor share out what's worked with their students, what hasn't, and from there the entire team can help dissect for solutions. After implementing these all-tutor meetings, we've observed a rise in success in tutoring sessions. Whether it be less distracted kids or more effective understanding of certain concepts, team meetings do it best.